Monday, August 4, 2014

Bar Harbor, Maine

for another puffin trip to Petit Manaan. The island is one of four owned and managed by US Fish & Wildlife. It is part of the Maine Coastal Islands NWR. 

This photo was taken upon our departure as the sun was setting.

Linda Welch is a biologist who accompanied us out to this island in 2007, where we were privileged to disembark and spend a wonderful experience among the birds they are working so hard to protect. I was so glad to see she is still at it.

Since I was not blogging back then, I thought I would share a little about our first trip.

This was the boat we took in 2007. The dingy took us to the rocky shoreline.

It was already turning out to be a great day of fun.

We managed to make it to shore without a problem.

With me were two other Friends of Moosehorn members.

Now, let's get a close up of some of the birds, and learn about the work that is being done to protect them on this special island.

We also walked to the top of the lighthouse, the second tallest one in Maine. What a view...the birds and their nests scattered all over.

Wallace got to hold a baby puffin while Linda made preparations to weigh it.

Here I am with a precious tern chick. We wonder where these birds are now...maybe among the many we see on this trip.

Gray cheeks...young puffins...with one Razorbill to the left...and a Common Tern flying by in the background. 

These chicks were anywhere and everywhere, but we were very careful to watch our steps.

The islands are closed from April 1 to August 31...nesting season.

And this is the boat we took today...on the we are boarding.

Since there were over 100 people on board and since we did not get on the island, it was not as fun as our first trip there, but we did enjoy the day.

Until next time...


  1. I'm finally getting caught up... I would have liked going on your earlier tour, but had a great time on the one yesterday. My photos aren't as close-up nor as sharp, but I'm happy enough with them. Good seeing you both again... hope the rest of the summer goes well.

  2. We loved Bar Harbor, but we didn't get to enjoy what you saw. How special!
