We thought since we are so near Wallis, Texas, that we would check out this "painted church."
WOW, what a treat!!! It was such a treat that we decided to continue on to Schulenburg where we visited more of these beautifully painted, historical buildings. Now, we come home and get on the internet to learn more about them. The church in Wallis is the Guardian Angel Catholic Church built in 1915. The beautiful stained glass windows were donated by parish members with their names written in Czech on each window.
A close up view of the center altar. Keep in mind, the statues are life size. In 1890, several Czech families settled in this area and the first church was soon built. The interior was renovated, painted by hand, new carpeting was laid, and the pews refinished in 1995. It is one of the oldest and largest wooden structures of its type in Texas. It is also the first church on the list of the Texas Historical Commission list of painted churches.
This is one of the three altars. The statues at the top are huge. Just look at that detailed woodwork! This was just a start of our quest to see these "Painted Churches of Texas."
This is Saint Mary Catholic Church in High Hill. This is our favorite one we have visited so far. You have to stop and take in all the beauty at this point. Everywhere you look is delightful. This one is considered to be the Queen of the Painted Churches. It was built in 1906 in classic gothic revival for the small German settlement. Now for a closer look.
This is the center altar. Just look up at that ceiling too. Christ on the cross is a stained glass window flanked by two life size figures. We just stood in awe of the beauty we were surrounded in. I'm not sure how long we stayed, but it was some time. The three altars were placed in the church in 1911. The artwork, wall decorations and ceiling were completed in 1912. There are eighteen original stained glass windows from the second church that was built in 1875.
The balcony where the pipe organ is located...we could not go up into this area...can you imagine what the view would be from here? The chandelier and the artwork on the ceiling gives you a closer look at the grandeur.
As a mother, I feel her pain. It is a good reminder of the sacrifice He paid to save our souls. We are not Catholic, but respect all religions for we are one in Christ. There are more of these magnificent churches to be seen. We paid a visit to several more, but these two are the ones we chose to share. Until next time...
Our first work week consisted of driving the recyclables to Brenham, after stuffing all of them in the van. We stopped in Sealy to empty the paper recyclables...then dropped off one of the trucks in Sealy to be worked on...then headed over to Brenham.
Next day, Wallace took the radiator out of the Polaris to be mounted on the back. Out here on the prairie, the radiator gets filled with seeds, etc. They tend to heat up!!!
Next it gets a good cleaning. You should have seen the debris!!!
Even with the pans underneath, there was still some spillage. Never fear for there is a drain just underneath the vehicle. Radiator is now out, all the debris is vacuumed out. Now it is time for the radiator to be installed on the back. Darrell!!!
The man is a genius!!! Let's see how this works now.
Can you see it? The yard is full of these little critters...Pocket Gopher. Boy, is it fun mowing over all those mounds. Speaking of mowing, I mowed the entire property this week. It sure does look better. We have also been busy on that darn computer. We needed to get certified in safety: USGS Hazard Communication-GHS. Passed it with flying colors. We also had to update our FISSA+Privacy & Records Management. It is good to keep refreshed on this. Then on my day off, I went with our biologist, Rebecca, on an eagle run. Our route took us over 80 miles with only one Bald Eagle to report. The next day, there were two more reported. We trimmed the Sycamore Trail...checked out the fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, and exit lights...then reported our findings to Ferris. There were several smoke alarms with dead batteries that we changed out. Then we started on vehicle and tool inventory...what fun that is!!!
This is nothing new, but we do enjoy posting boundary signs...that gets us out on the refuge. I did not take a picture of the sign that was buried in yaupon. We had to do some trimming on that one. Anyway, that is how our first two weeks went. Our next blog is in the works... Until next time...
At Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge near Eagle Lake, Texas for our second time. We were here last year at this same time...be sure you check the blog posts to see what we did then as I'm not sure any of that will be repeated this time around.
As I mentioned in the last blog, we had tire trouble about 30 miles west of the refuge.
This was the only other damage we had which can easily be replaced. It was directly in front of the tire, what reason it has I do not know, but it will be replaced.
I think you can see what the first order of business was...mow our little yard.
This needed to be done for several reasons. As we were sitting at our dining area, we noticed a rat running for cover in the deep grass.
As I was mowing, several rats ran out. Now there is no tall grass to hide in!!! I also mowed our neighbors yard, so much easier before they get here.
We had a quiet New Year's Eve, and a delicious meal with black-eyed peas for good luck on the first day of the new year. We found a new wine, Llano, a sweet red wine, vinted and bottled in Lubbock, Texas. Hey, it's the new year, just had to try it. Darrell, our supervisor, stopped by for a visit, then John, the assistant manager came over...we got caught up on what's been going on. We have seen improvements since last year...the prairie looks good. They let us know there is a big to do list waiting for us. Ye ha!!! Let's getter done. Karen and Danny, volunteers, were out for a walk. We happened to be outside with the mower, so they stopped for a visit. After hugs and handshakes, and the great welcome back, we are looking forward to the tasks that lie ahead. Until next time...